Drew Sullivan and Katie Marr get sued for stealing Mike Ross's mail and post office box.


Plaintiff Mike Ross
Defendants Katie Marr
Drew Sullivan

The Plaintiff, for his Complaint against the defendant(s) named herein, alleges as follows:


1. Jurisdiction is conferred upon the Court because the actions occurred in Maricopa County and the plaintiff and defendant(s) live in Maricopa County, and the damages requested are over $10,000.


2. The plaintiff Mike Ross is a single man and can be found in Maricopa County, Arizona.

3. The defendants are Katie Marr a woman believed to be a resident of the City of Tempe and the county of Maricopa. Defendant Katie Marr is believed to be a member of Phoenix Copwatch. Defendant Katie Marr is believed to work at Ash Avenue Comics, which is just south of University on 810 S Ash Avenue in Tempe. Defendant Katie Marr is believed to be a member of the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition which uses the abbreviation PAC. Defendants Drew Sullivan a man believed to be a resident of the City of Tempe and the county of Maricopa. Defendant Katie is believed to be a member of Phoenix Copwatch. Defendant Drew Sullivan is believed to own and run Ash Avenue Comics which is just South of University on 810 S Ash Avenue in Tempe. Defendant Drew Sullivan is believed to be the founder of the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition which uses the abbreviation PAC. Defendant Drew Sullivan is also believed to be a member of Phoenix Copwatch.


4. A number of years ago the plaintiff didn't have a place to receive his mail. The plaintiff doesn't have a government issued photo ID and thus could not open a post office box to get a place to receive his mail.

5. At the time Phoenix Copwatch did not have a PO Box or address to receive their mail.

6. So the plaintiff could get a PO Box to receive his mail and so that Phoenix Copwatch a cash poor group could get a free place to receive their mail the plaintiff offered Phoenix Copwatch a deal at a Phoenix Copwatch monthly meeting. If one of the Phoenix Copwatch members who had a government issued photo ID would use it to open a PO box for the plaintiff, the plaintiff would pay for the PO Box and let Phoenix Copwatch receive mail for free at the plaintiffs PO box. The plaintiff didn't set any time frames on the offer and it was intended to be a one time deal where if a Phoenix Copwatch got one of its members to open the PO Box for the plaintiff, then the plaintiff would pass on any mail he at the PO box to Copwatch, with out charging Phoenix Copwatch any money for the use of the PO box. The plaintiff didn' make an offer to Copwatch that he would pay for a free PO Box for Phoenix Copwatch for the rest of his life. The deal the plaintiff offered was simply if one of the Phoenix Copwatch members helped the plaintiff open a PO Box the plaintiff would let Copwatch receive mail at the PO Box for free.

7. At a Phoenix Copwatch meeting Phoenix Copwatch members voted on and approved this deal where a Phoenix Copwatch member would use their government issued photo ID to open the PO Box for the plaintiff, and the plaintiff would pay for the PO Box and pass on any mail he received to Phoenix Copwatch for free. It seemed like a win-win deal. Phoenix Copwatch would pay nothing and get a PO Box to use as its address, and the plaintiff would have someone who had a government issued ID open a PO Box for him.

8. The plaintiff gave John Qunitos around $50 to open the smallest size PO Box sold by the Post Office for the plaintiff but he could never come up with the papers that were required in addition to the government issued photo id to open the PO box.

9. Defendant Katie Marr eventually was the person who opened the PO Box for the plaintiff. Defendant Katie Marr incorrectly opened the wrong size box which cost the plaintiff a few extra dollars. The plaintiff didn' complain even thought the increase in price was a lot of money to a homeless person with out a job. The plaintiff gave the defendant Katie Marr the extra money to cover the increased cost.

10. In the years the plaintiff allowed Phoenix Copwatch to receive mail at the PO Box Phoenix Copwatch received a grand total of three or four letters total. One of those was an unsolicited box written by a police officer which glorified the police. The other two or there letters where from police departments telling Phoenix Copwatch that we still had our First Amendment rights and were allowed to video tape cops in their cities in response to a letter that defendant Katie Marr had written then. These letters were all received in the first one or two months after defendant Katie Marr opened the PO Box for the plaintiff. After those initial letters Phoenix Copwatch received no mail at the PO Box.

11. At the Aug 2005 meeting of Phoenix Copwatch John Qunitos treated the plaintiff extremely bad and painted him as a very bad person who didn't deserve to have the same rights as the other Copwatch members. Of course John Quintos didn't present any evidence at the meeting to support this. His logic was "everybody knows" that the plaintiff is a bad person. John Qunitos real agenda was to prevent the plaintiff from giving Copwatch Training classes. As a result of this the plaintiff stopped attending Copwatch meetings.

12. Later on in 2006 it was suspected that defendant Drew Sullivan was spreading lies that the plaintiff was a racist who hates Jews.

13. As a result of Defendant Drew Sullivan's actions and Copwatch member John Qunitos action the plaintiff told Phoenix Copwatch that they were no longer welcome to receive mail at the PO Box and asked defendant Drew Sullivan to return a key to PO Box to the plaintiff. The plaintiff also told Phoenix Copwatch not to trespass on the box.

14. During the Mill Avenue Festival of the Arts the plaintiff discovered that Defendant Drew Sullivan had removed mail from the PO Box. Copwatch member Eric Jordan confirmed this. Eric Jordan said admitted they took a letter that a person who was involved in some misconduct with the Phoenix Police had send one final letter to the PO Box. The plaintiff never saw this letter. Eric Jordan also returned some of the private mail that Drew Sullivan had stolen from the PO Box and returned it to the plaintiff. Eric Jordan admitted they opened the mail.

15. At this date in time the plaintiff had paid the PO Box off for slightly over a year in advance.

16. Shortly after this date the plaintiff discovered that he had been locked out of the PO Box and that Katie Mar and Drew Sullivan had stolen his PO Box and his mail. The plaintiff was also told by several other Copwatch Members that the PO Box was not his despite the fact that the Plaintiff has paid off the box for a full year in advance with the plaintiffs money, and that Phoenix Copwatch had never paid one cent of its money for the PO Box.


17. Describe the Injuries and Damages - All the plaintiff's mail that was stored at the PO Box has been stolen. The plaintiff keep his important mail in the PO Box because he was homeless and didn't have any place else to store it.

18. The plaintiff has not been able to receive any mail at the PO box which the plaintiff paid for and has thus lost all mail sent to him.

19. The defendant filed a lawsuit in Federal Court suing Copwatch member John Qunitos and he was not able to proceed with the case because it seemed that Copwatch interfered with the forwarding of his mail.

20. It is suspected that defendant Drew Sullivan has destroyed the plaintiffs reputation by calling his a racist that hates Jews on Indy Media.

21. It is suspected that defendants Drew Sullivan and Katie Marr have destroyed the plaintiffs's reputation by saying that he is "stalking Katie Marr".

22. The plaintiff is out of the $100 or so he paid for the PO Box.

23. The plaintiff lost any and all mail that was sent to him after defendants Katie Marr and Drew Sullivan stole his PO Box. The plaintiff had a number of people collecting signatures for him to run for governor of Arizona. The plaintiff had given those people letters with postage attached and printed the address of the PO Box so they could mail them the signatures to the plaintiff. The plaintiff did not receive any of those signatures.

24. The plaintiff has made a freedom of Information request to the Secret Service for records about how they declared Kevin Walsh mentally in and used that as an excuse to arrest him. The plaintiff has not received that request.

25. The plaintiff has been writing letters to inmates in several prisons relating to Laro Nicol and the plaintiff has not received any of those letters.

26. Federal forbids private citizens from charging less then 3 times what the Post Office charges if they offer postal services. Since Copwatch is using the PO BOX they should be paying the plaintiff at least 3 times the cost of the box, per Federal law.

27. The plaintiff is out the deposit he paid on the two keys to the PO Box.

28. The plaintiff has been unable to use the PO Box in his search for a job.

29. The plaintiff was threatened by one member of the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition and told that he would be "beaten up".

WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against defendant for the sum of $200,000 or in an amount proven at the trial, and that plaintiff be awarded the costs incurred herein, including reasonable attorneys' fees, and for such another and further relief as the Court deems just in the premises.

DATED this __________ day of _________, 2007

Mike Ross Homeless